What I like about photographs is that they capture a moment that's gone forever,
impossible to reproduce.

I have had many aspirations in my life... some just passing me by, like missed opportunities or paths unchosen, and others that have materialized. Becoming a photographer was always at the top of my list and to this day, it remains an integral part of my life, in one way or another. Over the years, it has been my primary hobby as well as my career. Through this amazing medium, I discovered the art of framing. Ever since, I have concentrated my efforts on building a professional framing business, and now only shoot for my personal interest.
My passion lies in people… I enjoy watching them and imagining what they are feeling and thinking as they go about their daily lives. The urban setting is where I find my peace and inspiration. It’s my canvas, my playground. So much is happening around us… some things that stand out and others that go unnoticed. The latter are the moments I search for the most when I’m out shooting, the moments that seem so mundane but that so often tell the most interesting stories. When I take to the streets, I’m never disappointed by all the fascinating stories unfolding around me no matter where I look and where I go.
The work found on this website represents but a sample of those everyday stories I have been fortunate enough to capture through my lens, from where I stand, from my perspective.
- Sonya